Support and FAQ

Welcome to the support and FAQ page for the safeguarding training portal. On this page you will find answers to commonly occurring issues and questions relating to the training portal, and advice about what to do. If the information below does not enable you to address the question or issue you have, please do not hesitate to contact the helpdesk at for further support.
The National Safeguarding Team

The link on the email sent to me to confirm my registration is not working.

Solution: Email us so that we can manually confirm your registration. You will then be able to login using you username and password.

Some members of my church / PCC do not have their own email address, or I share an email address with my partner or spouse. How can they register on the site?

Solution 1: Create temporary email accounts for the relevant individuals. 

Solution 2: Get in touch with us and our admin team can manually register additional users with the same email address.

Can I let someone else use my account to complete their training?


If you do this then no unique record will be created that can generate evidence of them having completed their training. It is likely that they will be required to set up their own account and retake courses to generate the evidence required.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 February 2022, 1:44 PM